Es handelt sich hier vorwiegend um Remover für ältere Datei-und Boot-Viren, die jedoch z.T immer noch eine gewisse Verbreitung haben.
Eine Liste mit Bezugsadressen für Gegenmittel gegen aktuellere Viren und Würmer finden Sie weiter unten.
Datei |
Größe [Bytes] |
Datum |
Beschreibung |
30395 |
07.08.98 |
ActiveAntiVirus, Special Edition Version 1.43se
Netzwerkfähige Freeware-Version
Copyright (c) 1998 Andreas Marx
enthält dt. und engl. Version
10624 |
02.99 |
Remover für Happy99 (a.k.a. W32/Ska, I-Worm.Happy)
Freeware (c) Andreas Marx | |
870 KB |
06.01.2003 |
Free AV-Bootdisk Build 44 (1.44MB-Disketten-Image) Neu!
FreeDOS-Bootdiskette zur Entfernung von Boot-Viren
(inkl. Stealth-Viren wie Emperor, Rainbow,...)
von ROSE SWE - Freeware.
PBB_kill.ZIP |
1631 |
11.08.94 |
Parity.Boot.B Killer v1.0
von Stefan Kurtzhals - Freeware.
25852 |
04.05.97 |
K-Burglar 1.03
Killer for the Burglar.1150 (Graveyard) virus
Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung,
Ralph Roth, Germany
32702 |
16.05.02 |
K-Delwin.1759 1.20 Update!
Viruskiller for the Delwin.1759 virus
Detects the Delwin.1199 variants, too
Contains generic virus detection test
Freeware from ROSE SWE
33351 |
29.03.98 |
K-Grief 1.05
Viruskiller for the Grief.3584.Lucky.AB,
Grief.3584.Notext.AB and Grief.3584.AB viruses
Also known as the Nostradamus virus family
Includes 10 KB German and 4 KB English description of this high
polymorph stealth virus
Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth
22414 |
09.08.97 |
K-Hare 0.02
Cleaner for the Hare.7610 virus
MBR and files
Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung
33810 |
16.10.02 |
K-Junkie 1.10 Update!
Viruskiller for the Junkie.1027 + .1029 viruses
Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth
[Includes generic boot virus killer]
[Includes now Junkie-Loader in ASM] |
25102 |
24.08.97 |
K-Major 1.10
Viruskiller for the Major.1644 (Major BBS) and Major.1691 viruses
Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Germany
35224 |
24.10.98 |
K-N8Fall 1.05
Viruskiller for the Nightfall (6) and Neuroquila (3) virus family
Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Germany
28078 |
16.03.01 |
K-Pieck Version 1.11 Update!
Viruskiller for the Pieck.4444 virus family (aka Kaczor.4444.A & 4444.B)
Freeware from ROSE SWE
26432 |
09.08.97 |
K-PREDAT Version 0.93
Virusscanner and remover for the following viruses:
Predator.1020, 1055, 1063, 1072.A/B, 1137, 1148, 1154, 1195, 1449 (aka McFly)
Freeware from ROSE SWE
34536 |
24.10.98 |
K-Spanska 1.00
Spanska.42xx Remover
Viruskiller for the Spanska.4250 (A-G) & Spanska.4249 (A/B) virus family (a.k.a. Elvira)
Fast scanning process!
Freeware from ROSE SWE
27197 |
22.03.99 |
Cleaner for the Suleiman.692 virus v1.00
by ROSE SWE - Freeware. Incl. virus desc.
27850 |
21.06.99 |
K-SVL v0.62
Virus Killer for the Slovakia-II virus family (aka SVL.3584.x)
The SVL viruses are highly polymorph and yet uncleanable by the majority of available scanners!
Freeware from ROSE Software. Ralph Roth
27957 |
12.10.97 |
K-Taipan 1.20
Viruskiller for the Taipan.434/438.x/666 viruses
Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Germany
25927 |
24.02.97 |
K-WWolf 1.30a
Viruskiller for the Werewolf (1152, 1168, 1367, 1427, 1450, 1500, 1547, 1555) Family
Contains German virus description, too!
Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth. |
23885 |
09.08.97 |
K-UPS.1155 Version 0.92a
Virusscanner and remover for the UPS.1155 (UPS_Ist_hier.1155) virus
Freeware from ROSE SWE!
K_1479.ZIP |
27114 |
29.03.98 |
K_1479 0.70
Killer for the _1479 (aka Duplet, KeyClick, Keypress) virus
Freeware from ROSE Softwareentwicklung, Ralph Roth, Germany
23714 |
12.02.01 |
MBR-Kill Update!
Generic cleaner and immuniser for all kind of boot viruses infecting the MBR.
Can by-pass ACTIVE stealth viruses (e.g. Parity.Boot), thus removing infections of
"overwriting" viruses like NEUROQUILA, MONKEY, IMPLANT or ONE_HALF
Replaces the MBR which a self checking virus resistant MBR loader.
Can handle up to 10 physical drives, saveing and restoring the MBR to disc!
Freeware from ROSE SWE
68506 |
19.08.98 |
RVIRDESC - ROSE's Viren Description Rel 2
Enthält Beschreibungen zu den häufigsten in Deutschland aufgetretenen DOS Viren.
Freeware von ROSE SWE, Ralph Roth |
70770 |
23.08.97 |
ROSE's Virus Removers [ Freeware ]
This package contains those killers, which
are not released as standalone killers.
Virusremovers for Tremor, Stoned (48), Horse_Boot, AntiTel, Michelangelo, NoInt,
Form, Boot-437, Trojector, Kaczor/Pieck, Dark_Avenger.Slowdown and Red_Mercury.825.
Universal bootvirus killer included.